NAME: Glen Hawkins
BUSINESS NAME: Northgate Laundromat
LOCATIONS: Tucson, Arizona
OVERVIEW: A strong warranty, appealing equipment and dependable support makes sticking with Maytag Commercial Laundry an easy decision every step of the way
When Glen Hawkins bought Northgate Laundromat in Tucson, most of the Maytag Commercial Laundry machines in the store were at least a dozen years old, and some almost two decades old. Maintenance costs made it clear he’d have to retool the store. The question was whether to stick with Maytag Commercial Laundry or switch to another brand.
“I’ve always felt comfortable with Maytag machines. I’ve had Maytag machines at home, and the customers are a lot more comfortable with Maytag equipment. They always talked about how they’ve had Maytag washers all their lives. The name is respected out there,” Hawkins says.
Hawkins looked into other equipment options but ultimately decided to stay with Maytag Commercial Laundry.
“The warranty was the big thing for me. You’re not getting that with other companies. I don’t think there’s a question in my mind that the value is there for a store owner with Maytag.”
In addition to overall dependability, he likes several features on the MYR machines that have replaced his outdated MFR models, including the improved locking mechanism and the ability to go back and add a spin cycle. “When a customer overloads it—which they’re going to do—it keeps the washer from draining very well or doesn’t spin the clothes out very well, you can add another spin cycle quite easily.”
When he first bought Northgate Laundromat, he changed out the top-load machines customers saw on entering the store with MHN33 front-load machines. Over the last few years, he’s been gradually replacing his 25- and 35-pound MFR washers with 30-, 40- and 55-pound MYR models.
“The new machines were a huge hit right away with the customers. There have been no issues with customers complaining about the increase in vend price.”
Hawkins says customers especially like that the new machines have shorter cycle times. It saves them time, but also adds profit potential for him. He’s been keeping track of turns and says the larger-capacity machines are definitely seeing more use than the machines they replaced.
Northgate still has a few older machines Hawkins would like to replace in the next few years. His plan is to replace the last six top-load washers with MHN33 front-load machines and add six more multi-load machines.
These older machines tend to require more maintenance, but Hawkins says he has a great relationship with his distributor’s service department and Maytag Commercial Laundry. “The service technicians have been outstanding. I can always get ahold of my distributor, and I can always get ahold of Maytag’s service line.”
Now that he’s replaced most of his older machines with faster, more water-efficient equipment, Hawkins is ready to expand his profit potential even more by starting laundry pick-up and delivery service at Northgate Laundromat.
“The efficiency of these new machines has been great for our operation and for our customers. They were definitely needed. Moving forward, I won’t be concerned with machines breaking down.”
Interested in seeing what value the right equipment investment can do for your bottom line? Your local Maytag Commercial Laundry distributor can generate a customized analysis of your store and the potential impact new equipment can have on your bottom line.