NAME: Diane Hannah-Wilson and Jack Wilson
BUSINESS NAME: Polly’s Laundromat
LOCATION: Philadelphia
OVERVIEW: Since 2008, the owners of Polly’s Laundromat have aimed to give their customers a great wash experience and the same level of attentive service as they get from their Maytag Commercial Laundry Distributor
“Right from the beginning, we have always had Maytag Commercial Laundry machines,” says Diane Hannah-Wilson, who owns Polly’s Laundromat with her husband Jack Wilson. “We’ve always enjoyed them, always believed in them. They’re the gold standard.”
Polly’s Laundromat is a 2,400 square-foot store in the heart of South Philadelphia that the Wilsons opened in 2008. After 13 years and thousands of turns, the maintenance costs on many of their original machines were creeping up.
Replacing them made good business sense, so they started by swapping out their four Maytag Commercial Laundry top-load washers for new ones, and replacing two 30-pound dryer stacks with larger 50-pound ones.
For the Wilsons, sticking with Maytag Commercial Laundry machines was never in question.
“The customers are very happy with them, as well as the attendants and myself,” Diane says. “They’re dependable. They are built for heavy usage. They’re durable, quality machines that are easy to use.”
She particularly appreciates the clear, easy to understand display.
“When customers are hurrying and they put money in there and it doesn’t start, they can look right on the screen and see how much they’ve put in. It tells you at any point in the process where you are in the cycle. It’s a very, very user-friendly machine.”
Diane describes the teams at both Maytag Commercial Laundry distributors they’ve worked with—first Equipment Marketers in Cherry Hill, NJ, then when the owners of that business retired, Superior Laundry Equipment in Brooklyn, NY—as “second to none” when it comes to sales and service.
They’ve been working with the same sales representative, Jason Barcroft, since Polly’s Laundromat opened in 2008, first at Equipment Marketers and then at Superior Laundry Equipment. For the Wilsons, Jason is more than just a sales representative. He’s a business advisor that they feel comfortable going to with questions about whether to expand, raise vend prices or upgrade to larger equipment.
“He really helps us navigate through the laundromat industry, as far as demographics, how many turns per day you should be averaging, what customers are looking for when they come to a laundromat, things like that,” says Jack.
For Diane, that relationship reflects their larger relationship with Maytag Commercial Laundry. “That’s what Maytag has been to us: always there. Always accessible, always, ‘how can I help you?’ It’s the standard of care.”
The Wilsons know that when you own a business, you can never take customers for granted, so they are also mindful of the standard of care Polly’s Laundromat offers its customers. Several of the attendants that work at the store and provide wash-and-fold services have been at the store since it opened.
“I think whoever you have working there should be warm, welcoming and helpful,” Diane says. “Not hovering over people, just greeting them and telling them, ‘Do you have any questions with anything? Please ask.’”
They also recognize the role machines can play in customer satisfaction. After all, great customer service doesn’t mean much if washers and dryers aren’t providing the wash experience customers expect.
“New equipment and great customer service will help build customer confidence in your business,” says Jack.
By gradually upgrading their equipment, the Wilsons are showing their customers that they are invested in continuing to provide them with a better laundry experience.
Interested in seeing what value the right equipment investment can do for your business? Whether your goals are to increase customer satisfaction or minimize operating costs, contact your local Maytag Commercial Laundry distributor. They can help you determine the potential impact new equipment can have on your bottom line.